Hi, i'm Matt. I'm a Animator/Gamer/Music ian from Wales. I enjoy animating and putting my work here on Newgrounds and have been doing so for a few years. Ive recently taken up Music and it's amazing. Now.. GTFO MY PAGE! >:3

Age 29, Male


Ysgol Y Grango, North wales.

Wrexham, Wales, UK.

Joined on 1/1/08

Exp Points:
1,810 / 1,880
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.54 votes
Police Officer
Global Rank:
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Matt2k8's News

Posted by Matt2k8 - January 4th, 2009

Ninja-Without-Sight And Bloodman101 Are now offical Mods of the crew, they'll be helping me out, helping users, registering users, reporting spam and Generaly helping people enjoy the Crew even more. Postions for mods shall be open in the future.

The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew


God of Mt. Olympus ~Admin.

Lesser Gods ~ Mods, users like Currently there are two mods, Ninja-Without-Sight and Bloodman101.

Demi - Gods ~ Highly ranked users and have quite abit of knowledge on Greek Mythology.

The Fates

Zeus's ThunderBolt

Helm Of Darkness

Posidons Triden


100 Handed ones





Heroes - Fairyly new users but they are more experienced.

Hoplite - A upgrade from the Toxotes, the only thing you need too upgrade from a Toxotes is post.

Toxotes (archer) - One of the lowest ranks these users aren't experienced enough in the crew.

Architect (Peasant) - Newest Users of all.

1. Matt2k8 - God of Mt. Olympus ~ Posts constanly - Founder of the crew. His favorite Unit is the Spartan Hoplite.

2. TLT007 - Hoplite ~ Posts Rarely -He learned about Greek Mythology in his Religious Education class and his favorite hero is Hercules.

3. Permaximum1 - Artitect ~ Posts rarely - He has a HUGE inteligence on Greek mythology and loves a good book or two on Mythology.

4. AngryGlacier - Toxotes ~ Posts rarely - He knows alot about the Greeks and has been around for awhile.

5. Docsprite - 100-Handed-One ~ posts commonly - Owner of the Cartoons club. He is finding out more and more about Greek mythology now that he has joined the crew.

6. Bloodman101 - Lesser God ~ Posts constanly - A friend outside the crew. He has impressed me with his knowledge on Greek mythology and i'm glad too call him Friend. He is also a Mod.

7. Gagsy - Toxotes ~ rarely - Greek Mythology has always been a big intrest too him, but claims he does'nt know much and wishes too know more.

8. Sinskae - Toxotes ~ Posts constanly - Another friend outside the Crew. Me, Sinskae, Bloodman101 and Chainsawmurder are all the Madness combat crews Regulars. Sinskae is a nice guy too be around knows alot about the Greeks.

9. Piromano - Giant ~ Posts commonly - Likes mythology. Favorite God Hades. Kinda like me ;) Intrested in Anime, again like me. We can relate :D

10. RubberTrucky - Titan ~ Posts commonly - New User. Knows quite alot of Greek mythology. Helps around and gives Intresting Facts. He also never gives up on any quizzes and tries his best. His best friend in the crew is Gurssury.

11. ChainsawMurderer53 - Poisedons Tridon ~ Posts commonly - Another friend outside the crew. Loves greek Mythology and knows quite abit on them. A very friendly User!

12. Gurssury - 100-Handed-One ~ Postes commonly - Her Favorite Greek Hero is Perseus. Loves the Creation story. A friendly user who loves cats :3 and her best friend in the crew is RubberTrucky.

13. Kidd25 - Architect ~ Posts rarely - He knows abit about Mythology and gave us a very intresting scenerio. Nice job dude :D

14. TheLittleEmo - 100-Handed-One ~ Posts commonly - He knows alot of mythology and is a really friendly user, he helps people out and is very supportive.

15. DarkSide430 - Artitect ~ Posts commonly - He joined at the Begining of the crew but after awhile he never posted again, that is untill recently Darkside is a very pleasant member and knows alot about Greek Mythology.

16. Ninja-Without-Sight - Lesser God ~ Posts Constanly - He was one of the first people too join, like DarkSide, he never replied but he's back now and its for keeps. He's one of Matt2k8's Best friends in the crew :3

17. SlentCobra1 - Toxotes ~ Commonly - He claims he is a Mythology geek, aren't we all? x3 He's showed me his knowledge and it's quite abit. We welcome SlntCobra to the club!

18. DBM - Artitect ~ Commonly - DBM Loves many of the Greek tales and his favorite Mythicle creature is Cerberus. He also is another Hades follower :D

19. DarkSwift2204 - Artitect ~ His Favorite Gods are Zeus and Hades because he loves the power, darkness, thunder and wrath.

20. .Rocker23220 - Artitect ~ He's studied Greek Mythology in his Latin class and particuarly likes Athena.

These are links too all the Sigs for the crew. Please feel free too use any, it would be a sign that you are a member of The Ancient Greek Mythology crew!
Sig 1 - AngryGlazier
Sig 2 - Bloodman101
Sig 3 - BloodMan101
Sig 4 - Gurssury
Sig 5 - ChainSawMurderer53
Sig 6! - Gurssury

The Unfinished picture of the AGMC Crew - By Gurssury

The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew!

Posted by Matt2k8 - November 29th, 2008

Well no updates probaly till 2009 now....

But i am in a Madness collab with a group of friends where ive put all my tests in and im working on a kick ass part!

But thats all i got...

So some youtube poops.

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Posted by Matt2k8 - November 18th, 2008

Ok guys this is what i'm on about and what i would like to acheive with the...

Madness Combat Crew Magazine

Front page: pictures of artists/sprites, headliners and cool pics.

Second page: screen shots and previews of upcoming animations.

Third page: Interviews and opinions of animatiors or likewise Ect : What do you think about blood, anti, corky, Matt2k8, gothclawz, and how do you think supa addict could make this place better?

Page 4: Fan art page! MS paint included.

Page 5: Talk about favorite characters.

We could host it on Spamtheweb and make this pages flip over by a Next button or simply clicking the corner of the page NOTE: This will be done in flash so it will be digitaly Not real!

I't would be nice if everyone would tribute atleast a picture and show our achivement of a crew!

Well thats my idea's any others are welcome!

Please Vistit the Madness Combat Crew.

This is just a test, for the front page of it.
Falling down the stairs hurts! Especialy when you got no hands and your madness!

The Madness Combat Crew Magazine.

Posted by Matt2k8 - November 17th, 2008

Posted by Matt2k8 - November 15th, 2008

An inocennt fan of Naruto i have no idea why, he may even be a troll.

But is story is fucking sad :'(


Posted by Matt2k8 - November 11th, 2008

here! ending was rushed as i need too move on and it sucked if you ask me. well enjoy!

Posted by Matt2k8 - November 4th, 2008

Ok me and DayDayx have decided too make a madness collab!

FPS: 33
Background: Black, feel free to make your own scene.
Flash CS3 and flash 8 is recommended.
Deadline December 30th ( if people need more time we will extend the deadline or if people finish they're parts we'll make it early )

Menu - Open.
Part 1 - Open.
Part 2 - Open.
Part 3 - DayDayx.
Part 4 - Supah hank.
Part 5 - Open.
Part 6 - Open.
Part 7 - Open.
Part 8 - Open.
Part 9 - Me. ( Matt2k8 )
Part 10 - Open.
Part 11 - Open.
Part 12 - Open
Part 13 - Open.
Part 14 - Open.
Part 15 - Open

Feel free to make more than 1 part.

Suspected people joining:
DayDayx said that these people said "yes" they'll probaly join:
Supah hank

It would be nice too see other faces, like LLL and YK-blaze. But we'll have too wait and see.

Thanks too everyone who will support us!

Go here for actual thread

Posted by Matt2k8 - October 31st, 2008

so its halloween... HAVE FUN!! for me im just gonna go get some eggs and well... you know hehe!

have a happy halloween!!
EDIT: I JUST MADE £6 I FUCKIN WIN! WOOT! thats enough to go to dance!
: wait what...?

also their is a punkin carving contest check that out here i might join depends ^.^

i made a punkin but not really a NG thing is it? i might just make a angry faic one... have fun

oh yeah my favorite flash this halloween has got too be:


Happy halloween

Posted by Matt2k8 - October 29th, 2008

HAY GUIYS!111! little walk cycle for ya! sorry for the bouncy head DE LA COMPAMBRE!!

OK newgrounds i think its about time i posted some funny shit so here!
anyway moles mission is comming along great and is expected to finish about january or febuary 2009 i hav'nt touched the FLA. in a week now lol. screenshot coming soon

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seriously guys this is for a laugh please don't take these seriously

Posted by Matt2k8 - October 11th, 2008


ok so me and my artistic friend have come togegher to make the ultimate hate flash of the... hour?
minute? lol?


anyway it madness but with a twist the main character ( molly ) is a fat ugly cow who stinks of BO ( body odour ) and has a mole on her face lol so we're taking the piss out of her because she always calls us faggy names that make no sense and pushes everyone around like a bull dozer...


the story is about molly the mole who walks into her kitchen to grab a faty little snack a "choclate triangle" ( which is like a brownie in a triangle shape, yummy ) but too her suprise their is a note coverd in choclate stains on it :O the note reads that anthony ( the boss ) has taken it... and wants to finish it on his self >:D

the Anthony:

anythony is the main enemy also my best freind... he loves choclate triangles... so much that it's hard to believe he is skinny and not obese... but he stole molly's choclate triangle and when you mess with her and her food........LOOK OUT!

The freinds:

im also credit'ing

Dannielle haggar: for helping producion also trying to supply bitman pic's of the mole

Anthony wilkins: he's a character in it is'nt he?

jack coeshot: for laughing

and the two authors:


steven made BG's and helped animate a little

and Matt ( me ) for animating it and helping the BG also special effects..


and thats all im going too say for not but remember this is not proper madness E.G. its not senseless killing its a fun little comedy that you'll lol so hard! so i hope you enjoy

Matt over and out! :D


so far 1987 frames

and running time so far 1 minute 23 seconds

good eh?

EDIT: bad screeny
and im at 2491 frames! yay

moles mission